
Communication and Marketing

Communication Strategy

The communication strategy is the initial study of the company’s positioning and the subsequent planning of actions aimed at achieving predefined and measurable objectives.

What are the company’s strengths? What are the weaknesses of my organisation?

By analysing your company and its business model, we will obtain the necessary data to provide the right answers and proceed with the drafting of an appropriate communication plan.

Strategia Franchising

Creating communication plans

Piano di Comunicazione

Whether you want to promote a product or service on the domestic or foreign market, you need to prepare a communication plan.

A good Communication Plan is a fundamental tool to manage all social media activities and actions to be carried out by users through the website, as well as all traditional off-line communication tools, in a correct and targeted manner.

We realise tailor-made communication plans, working together as a true in-house marketing office.

Marketing Plan

Our team can prepare the most suitable marketing plan for your business. We will produce a strategic roadmap that your company will use to organise, execute and monitor its strategy over a given period.

The marketing plans we produce can include different marketing strategies for various teams throughout the company, all working towards the same business goals.

Piano Marketing

Marketing Management

Marketing management

Our service is aimed at all those companies that do not have an in-house marketing department and have no interest in setting one up.

The fundamental and important objectives of marketing management in our service can be summarised as:

  • Attracting new customers
  • Satisfying customer requests
  • Profitability
  • Maximising market share
  • Creating a good public reputation

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